Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/865

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Our Punitive Expedition Into Mexico

���) Underwood and Underwood, N. Y.

Caught between the roving bands of marauding guerillas, Mexican families have suffered terrible hardships during the past three years. In some instances the homes of peaceful people were destroyed and the members murdered without any reason other than the satisfaction of some alleged leader's lust for blood. Siding with Villa or Carranza

was useless to ward off these plundering bandits, seeking to destroy both life and property. The pho- tograph shows a band of Mexicans making their way to the United States, where they can set up house and be safe under the Stars and Stripes. Many Amer- ican families have al- so been obliged to leave homes and in- dustrial interests, and seek refuge on our own soil to escape the depredations of Mex- ican outlaws

��Mexican weapons captur- ed by Americans. The lifting of the embargo on arms has placed within the convenient reach of every cut-throat in Mex- ico weapons of the most modern type; in fact, weapons of the same effectiveness as those used cgainst them by the United States troops. Mexico has suffered short- age of everything except arms and ammunition during her recent state of internal revolution. At right, troops of the Puni- tive Expedition drawing water from an improvised well near Divisional Head- quarters at Casas Grandes, Mexico


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