Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/899

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New Accessories Touring Car

Rain Protector for Automobile Wind- Shield

WHERE a wind-shield is used for the front of an automobile, the drixer's view is dimmed by rain falling upon the glass. This is often a great drawback in running the car. Various means have been suggested for keeping wind-shields clean. The accompanying illustration shows one which has at least the merit of originality. A rotating propeller is used to driv^e off the rain drops. It is claimed that this is accom- plished effectually, at the same time not obstructing the view, for it is a well-

���This propeller blows the rain away from the wind-shield

��known fact that one can look through a rapidly rotating propeller.

��A Handy Automobile Grease-Gun

ANEW which saves the automobile man trouble when his machine needs lubricating, has been placed on the market. It consists of a can of grease. Attached to its side is a pump gun which pushes a quarter jK)und of grease into the casing every time the pump is pulled up and pressed down again. To prevent the grease from escaping when the gun is not in use, a long rubber hose with a patent stopper is provided.

���With his hood made of tough glass, the driver

can examine his motor while speeding along

the road

A Glass Hood for Automobiles

USEFUL and practical is the auto- mobile glass hood built recently by Earl ('. Anthony of Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. True, hoods of isinglass have been used, but they are easily broken and destroyed. This creator of novelties realized this fact, and as a result of his determination to eliminate this draw- back came the glass "machine house."

���With one stroke a quarter-pound of grease is forced into the casing


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