Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/939

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Popular Science Monthly


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�� ���Thousands of ducks find a safe shelter and breeding place at the United States Game

Preserve at Wichita, Idaho

��Game Preserve for Ducks

TO protect the wild ducks and other birds, besides having a general closed hunting season, a number of game reserves have been established both in the United States and Canada. Wild fowl soon learn the safety of such resorts and enormous flocks may be seen in these havens. The photograph shows an exceptionally fascinat- ing view in the Game Preserve established by Uncle Sam in the Wichita National Forest of Idaho. These same ducks, almost friendly in the Game Preserve as tame ducks, allowing themselves to be photographed at very close range, will be as wild and wary as hawks as soon as they have left its protecting borders and scattered among adjoining lakes and rivers.

��What Time Is It? Half- Past Aunt Sarah by This Watch

IF you happen to ask C. W. Humberd

���of St. Joseph, Missouri, what time it is by his watch and chain he is apt to reply: "Just about half-past Edith" or "a quarter to Calvin" or "fifteen seconds after Albert." And then, of course, you are shown the watch and the mystery begins to unravel itself.

Humberd, who is a contractor, has a wife and ten children, just a big enough family for every hour in the day. Humberd had their pictures arranged — one for each hour — on the dial of his watch. Thus his watch has thirteen faces — twelve of them smil- ing.

Humberd himself starts oft' as one o'clock. Then comes Mrs. Humberd an hour behind him. The eld- est son is three o'clock, followed by two other sons, so that it is six o'clock before the first daughter appears. At nine o'clock there is another daughter, and soon down through the whole happy family of children.

��nearly half-past Aunt Sarah by this curious watch

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