Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/312

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��Popular Science Montlily

��Hoisting Timbers Rapidly

���At the left is shown the usual way of

hoisting logs. At the right may be seen

a new arrangement which saves power

SEVERAL thousand cedar poles can be removed from a river and deposited on flat cars alongside by means of an ordinary "stiff-leg" derrick with a hinged boom. Instead of setting the mast vertical, the top should be inclined about i8 ins. toward the river, its height being about 50 ft.

Instead of attaching the snatch-block for the hoisting cable to the foot of the mast, anchor it about 18 ins. from the foot of the mast, on the land side. In this way the boom is swung around by the cable when the load is lifted, and when the load is dropped the leaning mast causes the empty boom to return over the water, thus making it automatic each way through 180 degrees. By the observance of such a simple expedient as tilting the mast, a great deal of labor is saved. — J. L. Baylev.

���With this newly arranged derrick large quantities of logs can be raised from a river and deposited on flat cars in a short time

��An Adjustable Tap Wrench

��ONE of tap V

��A serviceable wrench

��the best ip wrenches to be had can be made in a few min- utes by anyone following these directions: Cut a piece of J g-'nch sq. tool steel 10 ins. long, exactly in the middle, lea^•ing two 5-inch pieces. Lay these pieces over each other a distance of i J/2 ins.; clamp the lapped ends in a vise and ^^ in. from each end of the lap, drill a No. 8 hole through the lap. In one piece tap the holes with a 14-24 tap, and re- drill the holes in the other piece with a

��^-inch drill. LIse two 14-24 cap screws

��I m. long, and file the threads off a distance of ?^ in. from the head. Put \'Our two pieces together and mark off the exact center of the lap, then file a Y-shaped slot 3-32 in. deep in each piece, to hold the tap.

Round off the handles with a file and emery cloth and, if desired, the wrench may be hardened to a blue steel finish. This wrench will take anything up to a 3/^-inch tap. For a larger and stronger wrench, use heavier stock and longer handles. — L. E. Fetter.

Three Oil-Proof Lutes

ONE of the best known oil-proof lutes contains the following ingredients:

Good glue 2 parts by weight

Glycerine I part b\' weight

Water 7 parts by weight

First soften the glue with the water; then melt and add the glycerine. This is a good lute for rendering corks vacuum-tight, and for stopping small leaks of almost an\tiiing except water and steam.

A lute suital)lc for use in laboratories and plants handling o\\ \apors is a putty made of molasses and llour.

Another useful and very satisfactory oil-proof lute contains the following sul)stanri's:

Glycerine 90 parts by volume

Water 10 parts by volume

Those ingredients arc to be made into a stiff putty with the following:

Litharge ()o parts l)y weight

Red lead 10 parts by weight

This mixture takes several hours to stiffen and about a day to set.

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