Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/555

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to Make of the Motor-Truck a Mechanical Day Laborer

����Above: A reel which may be attached to the rear wheel of any automobile intended for the use of telephone com- panies, can roll up a half mile of wire in less than ten minutes

��Above: Unload- ing a five-ton reel of telephone cable without manual labor by using an ordin- ary drum-winch placed directly aft of the driv- er's seat. It is driven by power from the truck At right: A lock designed to con- trol both the spark and throt- tle levers on au tomobi les

����The mechan- ical loader is run by elec- ■< trie or gas- ( ' ' ,1 oline motor "^

��Above: A self- propeled motor- truck and wagon 1 oader. The hinged bucket framework sec- tion may be raised or lowered without exertion


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