Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/633

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Popular Science Monthly


��disarranging the whole I)undlt'. VVhoii one of the containers is filled another may be started. Where checks are numbered,

���The metal back and rings of a narrow loose-leaf note-book used to file checks

mark on the outside cover the number of the first and last check — as i to 150.

��The Indian's Method of Tethering a Horse

THIS method of tethering a horse may seem impossible at first thought, yet it is quite a simple matter.

A good sized knot is tied in the end of the rope, and a hole dug straight in the ground with a large knife. The hole should be small and quite deep. The knot in the end of the rope is pushed into the hole and the dirt packed down upon it. This makes the horse fast, and to loose him it is only necessary to stand directly over the hole and pull up in a vertical line.

The smartest horse cannot pull the rope from the hole. The only way for him to get loose is to grab the rope with his teeth and pull it out.

��Keeping Your Ties in Good Condition

Ar.OOD "dry method" for taking wrinkles out of neckties is indicated by the drawing herewith. Just wrap the tie tightly around a mailing tube, spread- ing it out flat while wrapping, and if left in position for a day or so the wrinkles will disappear. A rubber band is most convenient for holding the tie in place, although a string can be used also.




��A mailing tube around which ties nay be wrapped to remove wrinkles

��In case of the absence of a mailing tube, use a cylindrical bottle or anything of that shape.

This is much better than hanging the tie and "hoping" that the wrinkles will disappear, for here they are "forced" out.

As for capacity, almost any number can be wrapped on the tube, one outside the other. — N. G. Near.

��A Canteen Made by a Junior Boy Scout

JUST to be ec]ui[)ped the same as his older brother with camping and traveling utensils, one boy scout made for himself a canteen as shown in the illustration. The parts neces- sary are two pie pans and a stri[i of tin, together with a screw-cap like those attached to an oil-can or flask. These may be ob- tained from a tin shop.

The strip of tin is bent around to fit in between the flat upper surfaces of the pie pans, where it is soldered. The screw- cap is soldered into the strip of tin. Small pieces of tin are soldered on the edge of the canteen at intervals to form

���A Canteen made from ordinary pie tins

��loops for a strap to pass around the center tin strip. B\' this arrangement a means is provided for carrj'ing the canteen in the ordinarj' manner.

��A Simple Way of Making a Canoe Unsinkable

SECURE two ordinary five-gallon tin oil-cans, place one under the thwarts at each end of the canoe and wire them in place. If the canoe is up- set it can be turned over and even if filled with water will sustain the weight of two people without sinking.

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