Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/154

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Sawing Boards on the Table of a Milling Machine

THE best machine for cutting boards in a machine shop is the milling machine. The guides A are made to

���Application of a gage on a milling machine table to guide boards in cutting them

hold the straight edge B. These are fastened to the milling-machine table so that the straight edge will guide the board as it is being sawed. By means of the slots in the guides the straight edge can be set so that any width of a strip may be cut from the board. A wood- working saw is placed on the milling machine arbor and the table located so that the saw runs in a T-slot of the bed. If there is no woodworking saw at hand a large slitting saw can be used and the table swung at an angle of J/2 deg., if the miller is a universal. This angle will cause the saw to cut a little wider than its thickness and prevent the saw from sticking. — Clarence Anderson.

��Making a Small Gas Blowpipe of Brass Tubing

THE main tube of the pipe is made of a piece of 3^-in. brass tubing about 9 in. long with a gas cock soldered to one end for controlling the supply of

���Brass tubing with auxiliary air tube attached for a blowpipe

gas. The air pipe consists of a /^-in. brass tube, also 9 in. long, cut and formed into a tee, the stem being 3 in. long. One end of the cross-piece is bent at

��right angles and the other flattened to fit the main pipe where it is soldered. A piece of rubber tubing is used to make connections between the gas cock and the gas jet. Another piece of small tubing is fixed to the air pipe.

��A False Ceiling of Lattice Work for Ornamental Purposes

ONE photographer making post-card pictures leased a room that had a high ceiling, and as he desired to have a small room in the front part of the store, it was necessary to reduce the height in order to get a good effect. So he decided to construct an intermediate ceiling, and not caring to make it solid, he used lattice work instead of wall boards or panels.

Boards % in. thick were procured and cut into ^/i6-in. strips at a mill. These were woven together the same as any lattice work, making the spaces as wide as the strips. After placing the lattice and a border slant in position it was stained in colors to give a figure effect. The illustration shows how the figures were made, with the shaded portion in a

���The lattice as it appeared after being stained and placed in position for a ceiling

dark color and the light part of a shade to harmonize. There is also shown the method of hanging the electric fixtures to make them appear attached to the lattice work.

The strips being thin are very easily woven into place. The long pieces are spaced on a floor, or rack, made of boards and set on saw horses. They are then fastened temporarily at one end with nails, or, better still, loosely with screws. The "weave" is then inserted by pulling- up each alternate "warp," and fastening it temporarily with small nails driven through the strips at the place of cross- ing, but not far enough to enter the work table. This will hold them in place until a whole ceiling or border width is made, when it can be fastened in the allotted place on the wall.

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