Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/205

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Popular Science Monthly


��How Much Ought We to Weigh Normally?

A SIMPLE way to ascertain one's ideal weight was told recently by Dr. Harvey G. Beck, of the Uni- versity of Maryland, in an address before the Los Angeles County Med- ical Association at Los Angeles, Cal. First, put down i lo. Then multi- ply by 53^ the number of inches by which one's height exceeds five feet. Add the result of the multiplication to the original no and the sum is one's "ideal weight."

���When the road-oiling season is over the tank and its fittings may be supplanted by another type of body

��Concrete Drinking Fountain of Novel Design

THE drinking fountain shown in the illustration has several features that serxe to make it distinctive. It is constructed of concrete and boulders, rough concrete blocks, and similar material. On the side toward the house there is a drinking fountain for the passer-by; the waste water drains from this into the side toward the street where there is a drinking- trough for horses. In this way the problem of the waste from the drinking- fountain is solved.

����A picturesque effect secured with ordinary stones set in concrete in a street fountain

��The oil is heated in the tank and forced out onto the road under pressure through specially prepared nozzles

��Demountable Road-Oiling Tank Saves Truck's Winter Time

NOT long ago it was considered the up- to-date and progressive thing to own a motor truck for each kind of special ser\ice for which such a truck could be employed. But now the most progressive idea is the truck which can be used in more ways than one, thus reducing the cost and increasing its efficiency. This is usually ac- complished b>- providing two or more bodies to be used interchangeably on one chassis. The road-oiling tank and mechanism shown in the accompanying view is mounted on a separate sub-frame, so that it can be remo^"ed as a unit from the motor truck in less than half an hour. Ten hold- ing-down bolts are removed, and the entire apparatus is lifted off the chassis by an o^'erhead crane. This overcomes the great drawback of mounting equipment of this kind on motor trucks, \Vhen the road- oiling season is over the tank and its fittings may be removed and another type of body fitted in its place. Hence the truck be- comes a money-maker all the year round. Formerly it was a dead loss in winter be- cause the tank was fixed. The tank shown heats the oil and then forces it on the road under pressure through special nozzles.

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