Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/321

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Popular Science Monthly


��ber insulating spool carrying the collector ring.

A simple puller may be easily made to remove cones from either end of the arma- ture-shaft without liability of damaging


��Puller for removing bearing cones on au- tomobile magnetos or lighting generators

anything. The puller is made of bar stock, either steel or iron, bent as indicated and having the jaws shaped to conform to the cur\'ature of the ball race and circle of the cone. A tension bolt is used to hold the puller-jaws firmly seated on the cone-ball race and prevent their spreading. This is curved or offset at the center to clear the tension screw. When the parts are properly assembled, screwing down on the puller- screw which sets in the center hole of the shaft end, will remove the most obstinate cone in an effective manner. This same type of puller, but of heavier construction, can be used to remove ball bearing cones from automobile front wheel supporting- spindles as well. — Victor W. Page.

��Apply a Light Color to the Kitchen Walls

NEVER paint the kitchen walls a color that will not show the dirt and dust. A light color, such as light buff or a soft gray putty color is cheerful and not glaring, and it will make the owner work to keep the dirt out.

How to Make a Support for an Automobile Frame

A SIMPLE piece of garage and auto- mobile repair-shop furniture that can be made during spare time is shown in the accompanying sketch. It is especially val- uable in supporting the frame of an auto- mobile when necessary to remove a spring or axle, as the ordinary form of automobile lifting jack cannot be used to advantage under such conditions.

��The base is of cast iron, the mold being made from a simple wood pattern. The only machine work necessary is to bore out the center and tap it to fit the pipe. A pipe 2 in. in diameter will be suitable for small cars, though the 3-in. size illustrated is better adapted to general requirements of the average garage as it will sustain the heaviest pleasure cars and practically all trucks. The pipe is threaded at one end and screwed in the base-plate casting.

Sometimes an ordinary- floor-plate is used by bolting it to a substantial wood block or section of plank instead of the special casting, though the latter is neater and can- not crack or split. A series of ^-in. holes are drilled through the pipe, these being spaced as desired, usually 2 or 3 in. apart. Another casting is made for moving on the pipe. An arm projects as shown.

No machine work is needed except tap- ping out for the i-in. set-screw, as the large hole through which the pipe passes may be cored in the casting to save expense. To make doubly sure and prevent liability

���Frame support or jack to use in places where an ordinary jack is not adaptable

of set-screw slipping under a heavy load, a stop-pin is also provided, this passing through holes in the pipe and slots in the casting. This stand is useful in supporting front and rear axles for repairs and also for holding bar-stock when pieces are to be cut.

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