Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/438

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Making It Possible for the Horse to Eat Comfortably

HEALTHY horses, like all other ani- mals, enjoy a good meal, especially when they can eat it with a reasonable amount of comfort. The old type of feed-bag which was crowded over one-half of a horse's head did not furnish an over-supply of comfort, for every time a horse shook or raised his head, he was sure to be greeted with a sufifocating shower of oats pour- ing down over his nostrils. To do away with this and give a horse freedom of move- ment while eating, Charles A. Hermann, of Chicago, [has de- vised a new type of feeding-bag. His in- vention is pictured in the accompanying illustration.

The new feeding- bag is very different from the old, having very much the appearance of an enlarged hand-bag. In this the oats are held sus- pended in front of the horse from two light rods. These rods are held horizontally in position on each side of the horse by two wide straps. Thus, no part of the device need cover the head of the horse, nor are any of its movements restricted. After feeding time, the device may be unstrapped, the bag closed up, and the rods bent back upon their center hinges, so that very little room is taken up when it is stowed away in the wagon.

���With the feed-bag attached in this way the horse has freedom of action and breathing space

��An Automobile Salesroom on a State Tour

WITH a four-ton truck as a salesroom on wheels, the firm of Smith Brothers, in Los Angeles, arranged a remarkable sell- ing tour throughout southern California, recently. Upon the body of the truck a railed platform was built which was reached by a flight of steps in the rear. In the center of this floor was set a new pleasure car, with the wheels held securely by blocks so that it would stay in place. The platform was carpet- ed, as were the steps; the brass work of the railing was polished and the truck was sent from one town to another where it stayed long enough to attract the inter- est of many pros- pective buyers. The platform was built wide enough to allow prospective buyers to walk all around the pleasure car while a salesman pointed out its attractions.

Of course it would have been a simple matter to have sent out the automobile on this campaign without the truck, but the machine would have lost its luster and its new appearance, while by this method the demonstrating car could be kept absolutely perfect. The sight of an automobile mounted upon a truck attracted attention to both the pleasure car and the sturdy truck that carried it.

���The sample automobile was mounted on a carpeted platform on a truck and exhibited in all its mechanical perfection and original luster just as it would have been in a showroom

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