Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/475

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Popular Science Monthly


��An Effective Garden Path of Brick and Concrete Block

IN this method of making a walk, many of the old ideas have been brought into use, but with added features to insure an artistic effect. The illustra-

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���The plan of the block, the mold for making it and the appearance of the completed square in use

��tlon depicts the construction of a block that can be easily made and will present an appearance in harmony with any well-ordered surroundings. It is made of brick and a concrete mixture. To give it a square shape a form must be used, which is easily constructed with boards. The size of the bricks will determine the size of the form. Make a square base from one or more boards and strengthen it with cleats across the bottom. Make a square box without top or bottom to fit neatly on the base. Dowels or guides should be used to return the base in the proper place each time it is set for a new block. The height of the sides for this box should be equal to the width of the bricks to be used.

The bricks are set in the form as shown and the concrete mixture poured in the open spaces around them. The richness of this mixture will depend on how well the block is to be made. One- to-five mixture may be used for the bottom and should be well tamped in. The finishing surface is filled with one-to- two or one-to-one using only sand to make a smooth surface. The top is struck off and troweled down smooth. While damp the mold box should be removed, allowing the block to set aside until it hardens. The red bricks showing through the gray concrete in the green lawn is very effective.

In setting the blocks in the lawn, measure off the distance in steps while

��walking naturally, marking each place where the foot touches the ground. The stones are placed in these positions in a zig-zag fashion, yet on a straight line. A hole is dug in the turf, removing sufficient dirt to admit the block so that its surface is level with the ground. This makes it easy to cut the grass over the stones without having to trim the edges with a hand sickle.

To make the box-form lift easily from the block, have the sides slightly tapering so that the bottom opening will be some- what larger than the top. Han- dles can be placed on the sides to aid in lifting it from the fin- ished block. Where a great many of the blocks are to be made it is well to have the mold convenient and handy to operate.

��A Stopper for Poison Bottles Which Works Automatically

AS a safeguard to prevent children or l\ others from accidentally pouring acid or poison from bottles which are thought to contain medicines or harm- less liquids, a thin glass tube, on the lower end of which is a cork, can be inserted and will serve as a warning and as a safeguard.

The cork on the end of the tube is forced into the bottle and the usual cork, bored to admit the passage of the tube, is fitted in place. If this bottle is taken in the dark and the cork removed the tube will be forced upwards. This serves as a warning. If an attempt is made to pour liquid from the bot- tle the lower cork will drop into the neck of the bottle and prevent liquid from flowing out. When the contents of the acid or poison bottle are to be used purposely, the liquid can be drawn by pushing the tube inwards, which forces the cork up out of the way. — R. V. Lawrence.

���When the cork is drawn out the tube is forced up

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