Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/478

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��Popular Science Monthly

��A Filing Clamp for Use in the Jaws of a Vise

THIS device is used in an ordinary bench vise and used mostly by tool makers or gage makers. It is not well known to ordinary shop men, but is

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��An angle clamp to hold in a vise for grip- ping parts requiring the filing of arrises

very practical on gages and other work requiring filing of arrises as it does away with filing up or down. Its use is un- limited. The upper jaw is adjustable to different thicknesses of stock. If made of cast iron and polished it makes a very neat tool, — Fred Fruhner.

��How to Remove Stains from Various Kinds of Cloth

BLOOD stains when fresh and still wet, can be removed by dropping hydro- gen peroxide on -them. If old stains, cold water and soap are most effective.

Blueing: If clothes are streaked or spotted with blueing, boil them in dilute acid, using about a teaspoon of muriatic acid to two gallons of water.

Chocolate stains should be removed from clothing before it is washed, as hot water and soap set the stains. If washed while fresh with cold water and soap, no stain will remain. If it is an old stain, boiling in Javelle Water will remove the stain but may be injurious to the fabric.

Cocoa stains should be treated the same as chocolate stains.'

Coffee stains should be treated the same as chocolate stains.

Dyes: Clothes are sometimes splash- ed with dyes in dyeing at home. These splashes can be readily removed by soaking them in ammonia water.

Fruit stains of all kinds, peach, grape, cranberry, etc., can be removed when they are fresh, by pouring boiling water

��over them. If the stain is old, the only way to remove it is by boiling it in Ja- velle Water, but this is apt to be injuri- ous to the fabric, and will remove the color in any colored goods.

Grass stains, when fresh can be removed by soaking in alcohol. If the stains are old, rub with molasses and allow to stand several hours before washing out.

Grease spots can be removed with gasoline or with ether. But careful manipulation is necessary. Gasoline and ether must be kept away from any flame. Pour enough gasoline or ether on a tablespoonful of starch to make a paste, place the paste on the under side of the spot and allow to remain several minutes. Brush off the starch when it is dry. Ether evaporates more rapidly than gasoline and leaves no unpleasant odor. •

Ink Spots: Ordinary ink (not indel- ible) can be removed by using this homemade ink eradicator:

Solution I. Put 5 teaspoons of acetic acid (which can be purchased at the drug store) into a glass measuring cup, add water enough to make half a cup of liquid. Put in a bottle, cork it well; and label "Solution i.

Solution 2. Put one tablespoon of fresh chloride of lime into a granite pan with half a cup of water, boil until a pink color appears, then strain through a fine cloth. Add X cup cold water, place in a bottle, cork well, and label "Solution 2."

In using this eradicator, apply solution I, let it stand a moment, soak up with a blotter, then apply solution 2, let stand a moment, then blot up. If the spot is not gone, repeat. This solution is injurious to silk, and will take the color out of delicate fabrics.

Iodine spots can be removed by swabbing with alcohol on a piece of absorbent cotton, or better, by placing on the spots a paste made of starch and cold water. This will form a blue spot, which can easily be washed out with cold water.

Iron Rust can be most easily removed by soaking the spot for a short time in dilute muriatic acid (one part acid to one part water). Be sure to wash the acid out thoroughly or it will rot the fabric. Rinse in ammonia after using acid on any fabric.

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