Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/48

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��Popular Science Monthly

��An Obliging Cigar-Lighter Which Feeds Lighted Matches



���The match is deposited in a chute and held in position until burned out

IN THE usual type of cigar-lighter found " in tobacco shops a constantly burning gas-jet is provided. Instead of this, John A. Cunningham proposes the use of ordi- nary matches, so arranged that, by pushing a button, not only will a match be fed forward and lighted, but it will be held in place during the interval taken up in lighting the cigar. The economy and freedom from danger are obvious features, for even the remnants of the unused portions of the matches are taken care of in the tray beneath.

Within a chute a number of matches are placed. At the narrowed bottom of the chute a shuttle is provided, for carrying only a single m.atch. W'hen this shuttle is turned it deposits the match into a tube in which is a plunger intended to push the match forward against the head of a movable clip placed at the end of the tube.

The jaw of the clip is arranged v;ith a scratching surface upon which the head of the match can strike as it is pushed forward by the piston.

By the continued forward movement of the piston the match head will not only be struck but will pass beyond the striker till the end of the match is clipped by the jaw against a plate which holds the lighted match in place for the smoker's use, and then drops it into the metal tray provided for the purpose.

��A Periscope Attached to Field-Glasses

THE present war of the trenches has stimulated inventive mar to devise all sorts of periscopic glasses. The soldier under fire has made periscopes out of any materia which happened to be at hand while skilled opticians in the shops a1 homes have constructed great super- periscopes out of the best materia obtainable.

Several citizens of this country have turned out practical instruments ol this kind. One of these is a periscopic field-glass, the invention of Charles F Smith, of Brooklyn, New York. It car be folded into a compact form wher not in use and inclosed in a casing supported by a conventional form ol field -glass.

Smith's periscopic mounting consists of lazy-tongs supporting mirrors which are held in inclined position, and which reflect the view ahead to the field- glasses, fixed to a frame at one end. When the periscope is to be used the frame is moved from the casing and the lazy-tongs extended, after which the mirrors at the top of the frame are alined so that the ob- ject viewed will be reflected to the person using the glasses. To fold the periscope it is only necessary to disconnect the top mirrors from the frame, whereupon the mirrors fold over thin sheets of felt tc protect their surfaces, and the tongs are pressed down until they fit into the space assigned to them in the field-glass casing

The periscope The frame is col- B^ addition does nol lapsiblesothatthe S*4 make it bulky, entire periscope may be concealed within the usual field-glass casing

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