Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/725

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The Circus Motors to Town

��Not dependent on the railroads it can give performances in towns never reached before

HOORAY! the circus is coming to town in motor- trucks and Pullman trailer cars! Look down the road and count 'eni — one hundred gorgeously decorated trucks, seventy freight and sleeping-compartment trailers, all the members of the vastest aggregation ever assembled on earth, including the baby hippo and the human what-is-it!

That's what you will see this summer if you are on the route of the million-dollar motorized circus which is to start from Cincinnati, Ohio, and which will be able to give per- formances at 1,214 towns never visited before because of poor railway connections. Not only will the motorized circus save from $1,200 to $1,500 a day on railroad transportation alone, but there will be no delay in holding the "grand parade" — the one im- portant feature of the circus business. The total outfit will weigh 3,500 tons and the average move will be fifty miles a day. Each machine will be geared down to a ten- mile-an-hour speed, so that the performers and helpers can sleep with comfort in the Pullman trailers. The motor-truck train will have its Own wrecking crew and a motorcycle squad of guides and pathfinders. It will be a parade in itself all along the route.

���Like an army the motor-truck circus is divided into units — the menagerie, per- formers, and the freight and commissary


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