Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/791

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Popular Science Monthly

��A Household Water-Still to Purify Drinking Water

SOME diseases are so uniformly trans- mitted by water that they are known as "water-borne" diseases. Typhoid, dysen- tery, and other intes- tinal disorders are so classified. It is of the greatest importance, therefore, that every precaution be taken to insure a pure water supply. A still is sometimes necessary in a kitchen to distil water for drinking purposes. Saline waters are satisfac- torily treated in this way.

The illustra- tion shows a form of a still

���A still made of sheet copper for use on the kitchen range to purify the drinking water

which has been found effective and con- venient for household use. It has the ad- vantage of being inexpensive and can be constructed by any tinner. The still consists essentially of a water boiler A on the range, having a capacity of about i^ to 2 gal., and a condenser suspended at the proper height from the ceiling. The pipe B conveys steam to the condensing chamber C and is kept cool by water in the compart- ment D. The distilled water collects in E and can be drawn off from time to time or allowed to run continuously into the bucket F. The metal used in the construc- tion of the still should be well tinned copper and no solder should be exposed to the action of either the steam or distilled

���Broiler-hood to be used with oil stoves


water. The pipe G is for carrying water to the boiler A , as the system is filled from the top of compartment D.

A Broiler for Use on Stoves Using Liquid Fuel

THE difficulty of broiling meats over a liquid fuel heater has been overcome by the invention of this broiling hood.

In oil fuel heaters a chimney is usually attached a\id the heat ascends in a sharply defined and swiftly mounting column. This col- umn of heat pours into the overhanging hood and is forced downward and flows out, so that there is a continual movement or underflow of super-heated air.

Well above the underflow line of this current — right in the center of the flow — is a grid on which the meat is placed, the temperature being practically if not actu- ally the same all around the meat. It is therefore cooked perfectly and uniformly, with but slight attention on the part of the chef.

Well under the heated area — in a spot comparatively cool — the drip pan is lo- cated. This disposes of the grease, pre- vents flaring, sputtering, scorching and unpleasant soot deposit. The temporary detention of the heated air also causes the meat to cook more quickly than when the usual open-broiler method is used.

In the illustration, A is the source of heat and B the hood, with the meat C on the grid. The overflow line is at X.

The handle of the grid is so formed that it will remain in either a horizontal or a vertical position. This is achieved by having notches in the wooden base — one on each side of each end and one at the crest of each end.


��Wood That Is Most Suitable for Carving

AK is the most suitable wood for carv- ing, on account of its durability and toughness, while at the same time it is not too hard. Chestnut, American walnut, mahogany and teak are ako desirable; while for fine work, Italian walnut, lime, sycamore, apple, pear or plum, are generally chosen in preference to all others.

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