Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/797

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Winning an Athlete's Laurels

II— JUMPING EVENTS By Albert B. Wegener

A technical instructor and director of athletics of twenty-seven years' experience

��THERE are two good styles for mak- ing the standing high jump — the "scissors" and the "roll over," in both of which the jumper stands with side to the bar and about i8 in. from it, and jumps sideways over the bar.

In clearing the bar in "scissors" style the jumper executes a scissors kick by first throwing up the near leg and then the other, just as in the high kick.

In clearing the bar in "roll over" style the jumper extends his body lengthwise of the bar and rolls sideward over it, as in the hopping style high jump. If the jumper stands with the right side to the bar he makes a right turn when above it.

In both cases the jump must be made from both feet

��ten or twelve jumps a day, and even then allow plenty of time to intervene between jumps. This time should be used in mas- sage and stretching the legs and in breath- ing deeply. If the muscles are sore take a rest until the soreness is gone, meanwhile applying massage and hot baths to them.

The Running High Jump

This event is always put on an athletic program and is one of the most popular of field events. The best jumpers are tall and slender, but some short men have done remarkably well by persistence. There are

several good styles, but only the ones that are

����In clearing the bar in the "scissors" style the jumper executes a scissors kick by first throwing up the near leg and then the other

��at the very same time.

The feet of the competitor may be placed in any position, but they must leave the ground only once in-making an attempt to jump. When the feet are lifted from the ground twice, or when two springs are made in making the attempt, it counts as one trial jump without result. A com- petitor may rock forward and backward, lifting the heels and toes alternately from the ground, but must not lift either foot clear from the ground or slide it along in any direction on the ground.

With these exceptions, the rules are the same as those for the running high jump.

When training, do not take more than

��mostly used will be described here.

The approaching run should be carefully planned. Make a mark on the ground three-quarters of the distance of the height of the bar from a spot just beneath it. This is the "take-off," or jumping spot which the jumper must be sure to meet with his jumping foot every time. Some jumpers prefer a distance the height of the bar, while others always jump from a 6-ft. mark. Each jumper must select his own best distance.

Four strides from the take-off make an- other mark, the "striding mark." -These four strides should be the same as you use in jumping and not mere "stepping off,"


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