Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/304

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To Prevent a Colt from Becoming Tangled in a Halter Rope

IN the illustration a device is shown that will prevent a colt from becoming tangled in the tie-rope of the halter. The

��Popular Science Monthly

���The weight keeps the tie-rope taut all the time and the spring cushions the jerks

old method of a weight is used, but a spring is applied to cushion the jerk a colt will give when first tied with a halter. The weight consists of a piece of hardwood 43^ in. long and 3^ in- in diameter. A 2-in. hole is bored in one end of the wood 4 in. deep, and a i-in. hole bored through the center of the remaining 3^ in. of the wood. This makes a seat for the coil- spring A to B. The spring should be 8 in. long, of the open variety and made of wire about 3/16 in. in diameter. The tie- rope is passed through the spring and secured by a knot at the bottom of the block as shown. The hole in the manger should be about i}4 m - i n diameter to take the tie-rope loosely. This will effec- tually prevent the spring from passing through. — J. O. McDonnell.

Effects of Oil and Grease on Rubber Tires

IT is pretty generally known that gasoline, grease, oil and other fatty substances are solvents of rubber.

If garage floors are not kept clean and tires stand in a pool of oil, the treads soften and the traction strains in service stretch the rubber in a wavy outline, eventually causing it to separate from the fabric body underneath.

��Probably the most damage is experienced from grease, in the differential housing, working out into the brake drums and then on to the side walls of the tires. This may result from loose bearings, too much grease or from using grease not suitable for differential.

Grease and oil may be very easily removed by using a rag saturated in gasoline. Gasoline, although a solvent, evaporates quickly, and, if applied in small quantities, will not cause any injury when used as a cleaning agent.

Ordinary injuries to the rubber cover do not prevent successful repairs but not often can work be well done when materials have been affected by oil or grease. Invariably blistering during vulcanization results.

��An Irish Thrush Rings for His Food

FOR a token of remembrance of a trip abroad a lady promised a friend that she would bring back a bird of some kind. An Irish thrush was selected. When caged the bird cultivated the habit of pounding the metal bottom of his inclosure with a small gong top, taking hold of the edge with his bill and manipulating it just as a

Thrush rings bells to attract attention when food cup is empty


Calling for food by ringing a string of sleigh- bells which have been hung from the cage top

workman does a pick. When his mistress fails to keep his food cup filled he jingles a string of sleigh-bells that are fastened to the cage top.

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