Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/444

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��Popular Science Monthly

���Where a boat-house is not used the boat must be removed from the water by means of a car, skids or rollers and the boat secured in its stationary out-of-season position by blocking

��ings are known as channel buoys and are situated in mid-channel. Steer close to these on either side. These markings mean the same on any style of buoy.

The harbor or channel buoys are num- bered from seaward, each harbor or channel having its own system of numbering, although the black or port buoys carry the odd numbers, as I, 3, 5, and 7, while the red or starboard buoys carry the even numbers as 2, 4, 6, and 8. Spar buoys are placed where the water is not greatly disturbed. They are the most frequently used as they are visible at long distances. Nun and can buoys are built of steel and are used in the more disturbed waters; the nuns mark the starboard side of the channel, obstruction, or mid-channels, and the cans mark the port side, the colors indicating upon which side they are to be passed.

Gas buoys, bell buoys and whistling buoys serve the same purpose and carry the same message, according to color and num- bering, with the additional advantage that the bell buoy gives warning of its location in a fog, and the gas buoy flashes its location at night.

��On the chart, red buoys will be colored red, with the number alongside, and black buoys will be shown in black and numbered. Danger buoys are colored with black and red horizontal stripes, while mid-channel buoys-will be marked black and white with perpendicular stripes. The operator will occasionally find buoys carrying a half num- ber such as \}/2, 5H» etc., which merely shows that a new buoy was placed after the main string had been set.

When running into shoal water the op- erator will usually notice a heavy ground swell; the water will take on a light green color. Rocky bottoms with little patches of sand between the boulders take on a reddish color from the weeds or a deep

���Care should be taken to see that the shoring does not rest on any one plank in the hull, but on several planks immediately over a rib to prevent damage to the support from sudden jars

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