Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/953

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A Bawel Stav© Iceboat

���\ N iceboat that will scoot across the /-\ ice at tremendous speed with little risk of an accident must appeal to every boy and girl, but the cost of such a plaything is generally too great and the difficulties of making a small one are often beyond the young mechanic; however, there is no reason why every boy who can handle a saw and hammer should not be able to build a boat with barrel staves for runners as described here, since the construc- tion is simple and the materials inexpensive.

Procure an old barrel with stout, thick staves, and knock it apart, se- lecting three of the best staves for the iceboat. Barrels in which oil, molasses, tar, and hardware have been packed are the best, as the staves are thick and stout and will not split easily. There will be needed three perfect staves of equal length and thickness for the boat. The underside of these should be well polished with sandpaper until they are smooth. Three blocks of wood are then cut out 6 in. long and 3 in. square. Nail one of these blocks to each of the three staves, driving long wire nails in from the underside. In the center of one block bore a i-in. hole 4 in. deep. This is to receive the steering post. Procure a board 2^ ft. long, 4 in. wide and 1 in. thick and nail it on top of two of the blocks, thus joining the two forward runners of the iceboat to- gether. It is now ready for the main

���General details for making a smooth-run- ning, speedy and very economical ice- boat in which the runners are barrel staves

��carrying board. This should be 6 ft. long, 6 in. wide and 1 in. thick. An oak or pine board that will not break when loaded should be used. Nail it to the cross board as shown at A, about 6 in. from the end, and fasten the other end to the steering runner by means of the steering post. Bore a i-in. hole through the board at the proper place and put the steering post through it, driving it firmly into the hole in the block of wood. The hole in the runner board must be long enough so that the steering post will work in it freely. The steering post should be of stout oak 1 ft. long and 1 in. in diameter. It should be a tight fit in the hole in the runner block and nailed to prevent turning.

The body or hull of the iceboat is then finished, al- though the builder may desire a cockpit for comfort. This can be made of any box of the right size nailed to the runner board, with a hole bored through the bot- tom for the steering post. The mast can be cut in the wood or made from a fine bamboo fishing pole, which although light is strong enough. Nail a block of wood 2 in. thick with a hole in the center at the place B, for the mast staff and insert the butt end in it. To brace it in position run a stout fish line from screw eyes on either side and forward to a point half way up the mast. No back brace will be needed as the sail will pull in this direction, keeping the mast perfectly steady and in an upright position.


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