Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/133

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Popular Science Monthly 117

What's in a Name? In "German Silver," for Instance

GERMAN silver is manufactured in three general ways. It is composed of nickel, copper and zinc in varying proportions. The German method is to melt all the copper to be used in the mixture, and two-thirds of the nickel and zinc in a graphite crucible and then add the rest of the nickel and zinc. In the English method the copper, nickel and zinc are melted all at one time, then more copper and zinc are added. Should the metal appear porous, a fireclay pipe containing pitch is pushed into the metal mixture to deoxidize it. There are several American methods. One is to melt a copper-nickel alloy and then gradually add the preheated zinc. In another method monel metal, is used as a base.

You Can Attach This Humidifier to Your Radiator

A HUMIDIFIER is now manufactured which may be quickly attached to a flat or round top steam radiator. Two soft pliable wires are passed between the radiator coils to the back of the humidifier, where they are tightly wound round two buttons. This enables the moistening device to be attached as firmly as if it formed part of the radiator. When it is desired to remove the water from the humidifier it is only necessary to unloosen the wires from the buttons, then the device can be carried to another room for cleaning. When the radiator is not being used during the summer months, the water in the humidifier may be removed and the box-life part be utilized as a temporary resting place for flowers until they can be planted.

Business is good, thank you, in this the narrowest of stores. Can you see the store?

The Narrowest Store. It Is Only Six Feet Wide

GROUND space must be extremely valuable in Corry, Pa., judging from the manner in which the owner of a six-foot strip between the right of way of a railroad and the building line of one of the streets of Corry utilized his property. He erected a brick building, six feet wide and about seventy-five feet long, and installed in the narrow building a lunch room at one end, and a cigar, candy and ice cream counter at the other. The queer structure caused considerable amusement at first, but it proved a good investment. When the railroad encroached about two feet upon the ground, it had to move back.

The humidifier is made fast to the radiator by two wires passing between the hot-water coils