Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/281

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Popular Science Monthly


��This Device Protects Your Clieck From the Forger

A CHECK book cover provided with a protecting device which makes it impossible for a man to raise a check, has been phiced on the market. Vari- ous amounts up to one thousand dol- hirs are stamped on the check near the row of perforations where it is detached from the stub. The protector is per- manently attached to the leather cover of the check book, and it can be quickly adjustedf or any of the three columns of figures. A sliding straight- edge is moved either up or down to the., correct figure. The fast and the check

���Tear off your check, and appearing at the left

protector is pressed torn from its stub.

��departments by the same vehicle, and large packages, which formerly would have been delivered by a special mes- senger, are stored beneath the pigeon holes on the floor of the car.

A driver and a clerk go with each truck. Six complete trips a day are made. The extent of the plant can be estimated from the fact that each trip requires at least an hour, v>vlUx,. \ ^^^ sometimes an

"^ ^^ .^.'^^^*^:Z'-::^\ hour and a half, depending on the quantity of mail to be distributed, and the congestion of the aisles. The deliveries are all made under one roof although over two floors.

This system takes the place of pneu- matic tubes, through which bulky pieces of mail could not be sent.

��the maximum amount is your protection

��The Electric Stevedore Distributes the Mail

THE mail of the various departments of a big manufacturing plant in East Pittsburg is delivered by an electric truck, of the type commonly known as "the elec- tric stevedore." On the flat body of the little truck is mounted a sort- ing table which has eighty pigeonholes, which occupy shelves on both sides of the ve- hicle. The mail is sorted while the car is running, and the saving of time is about fifty per cent over the former method.

Mail is collected from the various


���A specially fitted truck pneumatic tube system

��How Cutting Tools Are Doing Their Bit

NY manufacturer who is turning out tools is as important to the Government as if he were making munitions.

Nine hundred and ninety-seven cutting tools alone are required in manufacturing a modern rifle. The twist drill is one of the busiest of these. To supply a million rifles, ninety-four million holes must be drilled.

Shrapnel, tor- pedoes, machine guns, biplanes, mo- tor trucks and anti-aircraft guns require from seven- ty to five thousand holes each.

��takes the place of a for distributing mail

�� �