Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/191

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to the ſpit. The ſpirit of vengeance already brandiſhed the unaccuſtomed arms in the hands of the village matrons, as the Bacchanalian fury formerly waved the heavy thyrſus in the hands of the female votaries of the God of wine. The whole troop fell with one accord upon our heroes’ quarters, without the ſmalleſt regard to the laws of hoſpitality. The defenceleſs wights were rudely awaked from their refreſhing ſleep by furious thruſts and the ſharp fangs of the fire-forks. They diſcerned their danger from this unfriendly morning ſalutation, ſet up great lamentations, attempted to negotiate from the oven, and begged piteouſly for their lives. The in-

    court of chastity was eſtabliſhed: ſpies and informers beſet the haunts of Venus, and watched with malicious ſatisfaction every amorous glance, and every geſture which betrayed the feelings of nature. What pity that Maria Thereſa did not live in time to be celebrated by the unfeeling ſanctity of St. Jerome or ſome other monkiſh declaimer againſt the ſins of the flesh!——T.

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