Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/134

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exceedingly pleaſed his client; ſhe chearfully promiſed the donation: the prieſt conſcientiouſly weighed the gold in her preſence to a ſcruple, and put it into the church coffer, when his ſpiritual daughter quitted him with a light and joyful heart.

Number-Nip was a patron of the fair ſex, as well as the good village prieſt, however with this difference, that the latter reſpected the ſex in general, becauſe, as he ſaid, the Holy Virgin belonged to it, without ever ſhewing any ſuch partiality to individuals as might afford the tongue of ſcandal an opportunity of throwing diſcredit upon his good name; whereas the former thoroughly hated the whole ſex, on account of one girl who had outwitted him, though his caprice ſometimes induced him to take an individual under his protection, and to render her eſſential ſervices. He was diſpleaſed with the ſavage Stephen, in proportion as he had been captivated by the behaviour and ſentiments of his patient wife; he therefore had a ſtrong incli-
