Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/190

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ſeeming ſubmiſſion, to forgive him the flogging that was his due; they only impoſed upon him the taſk of trundling a wheel-barrow for the benefit of the ſtate, till he ſhould think proper to ſlip off his irons.—But it has never been reported that he has made any uſe of the kind permiſſion.

The Counteſs in the mean time arrived ſafe, and in good plight, at Carlſbad. The firſt thing ſhe did, was to call in the phyſician of the wells, in order to hold a conſultation with him on the ſtate of her health, and to ſettle the plan for taking the waters. It was not long before the once-renowned Dr. Springsfeld, who would not have exchanged the golden ſpring of Carlſbad for Piſon, the river of Paradiſe, ſtepped into the apartment: ‘Good doctor, your ſervant, we are happy to ſee you,’ exclaimed mama and both the miſſes, in voices of intimacy and friendſhip. ‘You have out-gone us,’ continued the former; ‘we ſuſpected this to be the caſe at my
