Page:Post--Dwellers in the hills.djvu/111

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Some Remarks of Saint Paul

"I was a-warnin' the lost sinner," he said, "like Jonah warned the sinners in Nineveh. I 'm exhortin' him about the fall. Adam fell in the Garden of Eden." Then the leer came back into his face. "Ever hear of the Garden of Eden, Lemuel?"

"Yes," said Marks, glad to divert the dangerous drunkard.

"You ought," said Peppers. "Your grandpap was there, eatin' dirt an' crawlin' on his belly."

We roared, and while the tavern was still shaking with it, Roy came in carrying an old and badly battered fiddle under his arm. "Boys," he said timidly, "furse all you want to, but don't start nothin'." Then he gave the fiddle to Peppers, and came over to where we were seated. "Quiller," he said, "I reckon you all want a bite o' dinner."

I answered that we did. "Well," he apologised, "we did n't have your name in the pot, but we 'll dish you up something, an' you can give it a lick an' a promise." Then he gathered up some empty dishes from a table and went out.