Page:Post-Mediaeval Preachers.djvu/239

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shadow of good things to come. Satan tries to urge us to clasp the shadow, that we may lose the substance.

6. Satan showed all in a moment of time; we learn thereby

α. That his temptations come upon us with great suddenness.

β. That the things he offers us are fleeting and without stability. In this world nothing is enduring. (1 Cor. vii. 35.) If Satan gives us what we desire, he removes it from us speedily. (Ps. lxxvi. 5. Prov. xiii. 11.)

And saith unto Him, All these things will I give Thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me. Here note—

I. Satan no longer says, If Thou be the Son of God, for he is now presenting himself as God, and might therefore be supposed to know all things.

II. Note here also, that—

1. The devil’s motive in tempting man is still his unconquered pride. Still does he desire to be equal with God. But one of the three things which God hateth is, a poor man that is proud (Ecclus. xxv. 2); and who is poorer than the devil, yet who more proud?

2. All sin leads to the worship of Satan, and the breach of the First Commandment. For sin is a turning from the obedience of God to the bondage of cor-