Page:Post-Mediaeval Preachers.djvu/253

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Arnold’s School Series (see page 18).

Arnold’s (Rev. T. K.) Sermons preached in a Country Village. Post 8vo. 5s. 6d.

Arnold’s (Rev. Dr. T.) History of Rome, from the Earliest Period to the End of the Second Punic War. New Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 36s.

Arnold’s (Rev. Dr. T.) History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Cæsar, with the Reign of Augustus, and a Life of Trajan. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s.

Articles (The) of the Christian Faith, considered in reference to the Duties and Privileges of Christ’s Church Militant here on Earth: a Book of Suggestive Thought addressed to the Earnest-minded. Small 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Beaven’s (Rev. Dr.) Questions on Scripture History. Fourth Edition, revised. 18mo. 2s.

Beaven’s (Rev. Dr.) Help to Catechising; for the use of Clergymen, Schools, and Private Families. New Edition. 18mo. 2s.

Bethell’s (Bishop) General Yiew of the Doctrine of Regeneration in Baptism. Fifth Edition. 8vo. 9s.

Bickersteth’s (Archdeacon) Questions illustrating the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England: with Proofs from Scripture and the Primitive Church. Fifth Edition. 12mo. 3s. 6d.

Bickersteth’s (Archdeacon) Catechetical Exercises on the Apostles’ Creed; chiefly drawn from the Exposition of Bishop Pearson. New Edition. 18mo. 2s.

Blunt’s (Rev. J. H.) Directorium Pastorale: the Principles and Practice of Pastoral Work in the Church of England. Crown 8vo. 9s.

This work has been written with the object of providing for Theological students and the younger Clergy a Practical Manual on the subject of which it treats.

Contents:—Chap. I. The nature of the Pastoral Office.—Chap. II. The relation of the Pastor to God.—Chap. III. The relation of the Pastor to his flock.—Chap. IV. The ministry of God’s Word.—Chap. V. The ministry of the Sacraments, &c.—Chap. VI. The Visitation of the Sick.—Chap. VII. Pastoral converse.—Chap. VIII. Private Instruction.—Chap. IX. Schools.—Chap. X. Parochial lay co-operation.—Chap. XI. Auxiliary Parochial Institutions.—Chap. XII. Parish Festivals.—Chap. XIII. Miscellaneous Responsibilities.

Blunt’s (Rev. J. H.) Household Theology; a Handbook of Religious Information respecting the Holy Bible, the Prayer Book, the Church, the Ministry, Divine Worship, the Creeds, &c, &c. Small 8vo. 6s.