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Cicero, Part V.; containing Cato Major, sive De Senectute

Dialogus; with English Notes from Sommerbrodt, by the Rev. Henry Browne, M.A., Canon of Chichester. J2mo. 2s. 6d.

Homer for Beginners.—The First Three Books of the Iliad,

with English Notes; forming a sufficient Commentary for Young Students. Third Edition. 12mo. 3s. 6d.

Homer.—The Iliad Complete, with English Notes and

Grammatical References. Third Edition. In one thick volume, 12mo. half-bound. 12s.

In this Edition, the Argument of each Book is divided into short Sections, which are prefixed to those portions of the Text, respectively, which they describe. The Notes (principally from Dübner) are at the foot of each page. At the end of the volume are useful Appendices.

Homer.—The Iliad, Books I. to IV.; with a Critical In-

troduction, and copious English Notes. Second Edition. 12mo. 7s. 6d.

Demosthenes, with English Notes from the best and most

recent sources, Sauppe, Doberenz, Jacobs, Dissen, Westermann, &c.

The Olynthiac Orations. Second Edition. 12mo. 3s.
The Oration on the Crown. Second Edition. 12mo. 4s. 6d.
The Philippic Orations. Second Edition. 12mo. 4s.

Æschines.—Speech against Ctesiphon. 12mo. 4s.

The Text is that of Bailer and Sauppe; the Notes are by Professor Champlin, with additional Notes by President Woolsey and the Editor.

Sophocles, with English Notes, from Schneidewin. By the

Ven. Archdeacon Paul, and the Rev. Heury Browne, M.A.

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by Professor Felton. Part I. (The Clouds.) 12mo. 3s. 6d. Part II. (The Birds.) 3s. 6d.

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