Page:Posthumous Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Vol2.djvu/16

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[CH. IX.

repeated after her, in the same tone, and with a long-drawn sigh,

'Hearts like our's were pair'd—not match'd.'

"These were, at first, spontaneous emotions, though, becoming acquainted with men of wit and polished manners, I could not sometimes help regretting my early marriage; and that, in my haste to escape from a temporary dependence, and expand my newly fledged wings, in an unknown sky, I had been caught in a trap, and caged for life. Still the novelty of London, and the attentive fondness of my husband, for he had some personal regard for me, made several months glide away. Yet, not forgetting the situation of my sisters, who were still very young, I prevailed on my uncle to set-
