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Consider, thou who art a parent, the importance of
thy truſt; the being thou haſt produced it is the
duty to ſupport.
Upon thee alſo it dependeth, whether the child of the
boſom ſhall be a bleſſing or a curſe to thyſelf; and
uſeful or a worthleſs member of the community.
Prepare him early with inſtruction, and ſeaſon his mind
with maxims of truth.
Watch the bent of his inclination; ſet him right in his
youth and let no evil habit gain ſtrength with his
So ſhall he riſe like a cedar on the mountains; his head
ſhall be ſeen above the trees of the foreſt.

AS the vexations which parents receive from their children haſten the approach of age, and double the force of years, for the comforts which they reap from them are balm to all other ſorrows, and diſappoint the injuries of time. Parents repeat their lives in their offsprings; and their concern for them is ſo near, that they feel all their ſufferings, and taſte all their enjoyments as much as if they regarded their own perſons.