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A good wife makes the cares of the world ſit eaſy, and adds a ſweetneſs to its pleaſures, ſhe is a man's beſt companion in proſperity and his only friend in adverſity; the carefuleſt preſerver of his health, and the kindeſt attendant on his ſickneſs; a faithful adviſer in diſtreſs, a comforter in affliction, and a prudent manager of all his domeſtic affairs.

Good-nature and evenneſs of temper will give you an eaſy companion for life; virtue and good ſenſe an agreeable friend; love and conſtancy, a good wife or huſband.

A married woman ſhould not be deſirous of attracting the eyes of any man but thoſe of her huſband.

He that allows himſelf to taſte thoſe pleaſures which he denies his wife, acts like a man who would enjoy his wife to oppoſe thoſe enemies to whom he has already ſurrendered.

Leonidas king of Sparta, ſuſpecting a conſpiracy was formed againſt him, fled to the temple of Minerva for ſhelter, whereupon Cleombrutus, his ſon-in-law, ſeized the government. When Leonidas was informed of this, he made his eſcape, taking his daughter along with him, who choſe rather to fly with her father than reign with her huſband. Somc time after Leonidas being reſtored to the throne, he advanced at the head of a band of ſoldiers to the temple where Cleombrutus, upon this change of affairs, had