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adventurers upon the great theatre of human life, to act their ſeveral parts in the fight of their friends, of ſociety, and mankind; how gloriouſly does heaven reward the taſk, when the parents behold thoſe dear images and repreſentations of themſelves, inheritng their virtues as well as fortunes, fuſtaining their reſpective characters gracefully and worthily, and giving them the agreeable proſpect of tranſmitting their names with growing honours and advantages to a race yet unborn!


ELIZA, who, in the perfect bloom of beauty, is the mother of ſeveral children. She had a little prating girl upon her lap, who was begging to be very fine, that ſhe might go abroad; and the indulgent mother, at her little daughter's requeſt, had juſt taken the knots off her own head to adorn the hair of the pretty trifler. A ſmiling boy was at the ſame time careſſing a lap dog, which is their mother's favourite, becauſe it pleaſes the children; and ſhe, with a delight in her looks, which heightened her beauty, ſo divided her converſation with the two pretty prattlers, as to make them both equally chearful.

Zaleucus, prince of the Locrines, made a decree, that whoever was convicted of