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Wounds, and His mangled and tortured Limbs. Hear me, O blessed Lady, be merciful to me, grant what I ask; and put before me for my kisses, Him Whom my soul loveth.


Prayers to the several parts of Christ's Body: and first to His Feet

O BEAUTEOUS Feet of my Lord Jesus Christ, Which were transfixed by one most cruel nail being driven through You both, and thereupon did shed forth much precious Blood, I reverently adore You; and I kiss You, earnestly praying that the sins which I have committed in standing or walking may be forgiven me.

Hail Mary, etc.

To the Legs

O beauteous Legs, and humble Knees of my Lord Jesus Christ, Which were in prayer so often bent and prostrate upon the naked earth, Which were racked with burning fever in His Passion, I humbly adore You; and I kiss You, meekly entreating that the sins which I have so often committed by my want of fervour and devotion in the service of God may mercifully be forgiven me.

Hail Mary, etc.

* * * * *[1]
  1. [The original adds: "Ad ventrem. O sacer et incon taminatus venter Domini mei Jesu Christi, quern portavit et aluit virginalis aula sanctae Mariae, qui multis verberibus fuisti acerrime percussus, adoro te dignanter et osculor compatienter, supplicans mihi relaxari, quotiens corpora meo ampliorem, quam necessitas exigebat, curam impendi. Ave Maria."]