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hrough its virtue, and to deliver me from this affliction. Wherefore I implore thee, with thine own intention and resignation, with the feelings of thine own heart and the words of thy sacred lips, saying: Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee; remove this chalice from me; nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. Amen.


When on one occasion St. Mechtilde was ill, and had poured out her complaint before our Lord, he said to her: Lay all thy pains in my Heart, and I will grant thee all the alleviation I have ever granted to any of my saints. And like as my Passion brought forth ineffable fruit, so if you commend your sickness to me it shall bring forth increase of honour to the blessed, of merit to the just, and of forgiveness to sinners.

O Most loving Jesus, I accept with most ready will this sickness [or, this affliction] which thou hast sent me from thy paternal Heart in token of thy love, and I offer it to thee with thankfulness, in that same love wherein thou hast sent it upon me. Wherefore I lay all my pain and my anguish in thy most sacred Heart,beseeching thee that thou wouldst deign to unite them to thine own most bitter Passion, to absorb them therein and render them perfect and acceptable to thee. And since by reason of the multitude