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prayers together with the psalter, she asked our Lord whether they were acceptable to him, and received this answer: They are so acceptable to me that whenever a soul is liberated from purgatory, it is to me as though my own soul were delivered out of captivity, and I will surely reward them in due time, in the omnipotence of my boundless com passion. Wherefore, although you cannot recite the whole psalter, say at least these four most effectual prayers, and after each of

them say:

Hail, Jesus Christ, Splendour of the Father; hail, Prince of peace, Gate of heaven living Bread,Offspring of the Virgin, Vessel of the Godhead.

V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

Or, De profundis.


I ADOBE, salute, and bless thee, O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, and I praise thee and give thee thanks with the love of all thy creatures for the vast love wherewith thou didst condescend to be made man for us, to be born , to endure hunger and thirst, toils and sorrows, for thirty-three years, and to bestow on us Thyself in the most holy Sacrament; beseeching thee that thou wouldst vouchsafe to unite and blend with the merits of thy most holy conversation and life this my prayer, which I make to thee for the soul of N. departed [or, for the souls of all the