Page:Prehistoric Britain.djvu/78

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Fig. 8.—Side view of Eoanthropus dawsoni (1/3).
(After Smith Woodward.)

Since the MS. of this little book was placed in the hands of the publishers the full report of the Piltdown discovery has appeared (Quart. Journ. Geolog. Soc., Vol. LXIX). It consists of a remarkably precise description, with copious illustrations, of the human bones and their associated mammalian remains and flint implements. Owing to the number of points in which the Piltdown skull differs from other known types of fossil man, Dr. A. Smith Woodward has given this specimen of humanity the name of Eoanthropus dawsoni, in honour of the discoverer. By the kind permission of Dr. Woodward I have the pleasure of representing an outline of the