Page:Prehistoric Britain.djvu/90

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face short but broad; chin well formed; orthognathic profile; stature tall, over 5 feet 10 inches in height.
Fig. 16.—Side view of the skull of the "Old Man" of Cro-Magnon (1/3). (From Reliquiæ Aquitanicæ.)

The Cro-Magnon skull (Fig. 16), has, in point of osseous development, some resemblance to those of the Magdalénien race, and hence it is sometimes classified as belonging to the latter. But the great size of all the Cro-Magnon skeletons is sufficient to place them in a category by themselves. The geographical distribution of the race, so far as at present known beyond the rock-shelter of Cro-Magnon, is almost confined to the caves of Grimaldi.