Page:Prehistoric Times.djvu/108

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rounded at one end, which is brought to a bevelled edge by a series of small blows. One side is flat, the other, or outer, one is more or less convex; sometimes they have a short handle, which gives them very much the appearance of a spoon. They have been found in England, France, Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, and Other countries. They vary from one to four inches in length, and from half an inch to two inches in breadth. An Esquimaux scraper used in preparing skins is represented in figs. 114—116. These modern specimens are of exactly the same form as the old ones.

Prehistoric Times - Fig 112.png

Fig. 112.—Skin-scraper from Bourdeilles in the south of France, actual size. Found by me.

Prehistoric Times - Fig 113.png

Fig. 113.—Ditto, under side.

It is curious, that while these spoon-shaped scrapers are so common in Europe, they are very rare, if indeed they occur at all, in North America south of the Esquimaux region.