Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/135

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
chí-kâi îⁿ-keng piẽn-poh liáu,
this has been confuted already.
kàu-taⁿ iā-ũ chí-nâng lâi piẽn-poh,
and, now, here comes this man to object.
to contradict.
m̄-hó poh-khùi,
not be disputed; must not be denied.
màiⁿ tō poh-khùi,
don’t be contradictory.
siet-sái tàⁿ,
a supposition.
siet-mn̄g kâi-ūe,
to suppose a question.
siet mn̄g-tap kâi-ūe,
to suppose a question and answer.
siet poh-mn̄g,
proposed an objection.
in reply.
said in reply.
tin-tò-thâu tàⁿ,
say things wrong end foremost.
úa tin-tò mn̄g-lṳ́,
I would on the other hand ask you.
chò úa tin-tò mn̄g-lṳ́,
suppose I should, on the other hand, ask you.
to dispute.
disputing together.
à-lâi à-khṳ̀,
disputing back and forth,
fond of disputing.
i tõ-à,
he is disputing.
à-i m̄-kùe,
cannot out-argue him,
argue at random.
argued vehemently.
à iâⁿ--i,
beat him in argument.
à su--i,
beaten by him in argument.
chōi-nâng sie-hũ à,
many joined in the dispute.
i à tî-kâi?
what is he arguinyarguing about?
i à hôiⁿ-chîⁿ kai-sṳ̄,
he is disputing about a money payment.
quarrelling together.
i à-tàⁿ-bô,
he argued saying, it was not so.
bô lṳ́-à,
it is not for you to argue.
m̄-hó à,
it is not good to argue.
put-kùe sĩ hàuⁿ-à,
it is nothing more than fondness for dispute.
to decide.
hó-lâi phah-sǹg,
come, let us decide.
chò-úa phah-sǹg,
as I should decide; if it were for me to decide.