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G. Skripto

thought of myself as a cosmic clown and I set out to prove, by demonstration, that a deity can be anything at all.

In other words, people invent gods and not the other way around. Later I decided that I was doing some kind of conceptual art.

In the 50's my culture taught me that I was created by and for a deity, a specific male deity, and that all other deities are FALSE. Yet my growing experience showed me that any deity is true in some sense and false in some other sense, So I set out to do what my society told me is impossible--make a real religion from a patently absurd deity.

In the 50's a female deity was blasphemy. In the 70's a humorous deity is still considered impossible, ridiculous and blasphemous. As far as I'm concerned, I have proven my point. Eris is a real deity and even though I don’t promote Erisianism as a serious religion…

Occupant: I do!

Dexter: You speak for yourself.

Ignotius: Here, here.

Hill: …I do point out that it makes just as mach sense from its own perspective as all the others do from each of their own perspectives.

Occupant: I think paganism is a valid spiritual path. I encourage Erisianism because it makes fun of itself. I think this is healthy.

Ignotius: If you can live rewardingly with Goddess Eris you can live with any deity, including none or all.

Dexter: I don't much go for the worship business but I agree with Occupant about the spirit of the thing. We live in a time of turmoil, the whole planet is in a state of change. If we, as a species, cower from the confusion then we die with the dying. This is revolution.

Ignotius: I am an athiest myself. There is no Greg Hill.

[ laughter ]

Gypsie [to Hill]: What do you think of Illuminatus?

Hill: Oh, I love it. I was finishing Principia when Shea and Wilson were working on Illuminatus. It took
