Page:Principia Discordia (Loompanics Unlimited edition).pdf/94

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As I cabled over Nob to San Francisco's Station 'O' Post Office I couldn't help but wonder at Goddess' hand in assigning street addresses to Her outposts. Mal² had told me that Good Lord Omar always filed everything under "O" for Out Of File.

"Maya is marvelous" I was thinking when I rapped on the little metal door and was greeted warmly by a huge beard who introduced himself as Professor Ignotius. He ushered me into a spacious wood paneled and tapestry hung parlor where three others were laughing and passing around a wine jug. The sunny one in a tunic was the Reverend Doctor Occupant, the trim khaki and jeans was Mad Malik and the wine jug claimed to be Hill. I got the recorder on….

GYPSIE SKRIPTO [in response to a question]: …1969 but only briefly. I guess I missed you guys.

MAD MALIK: No wonder, he was pretty much a one man show then. We were just his students and were usually off on errands. You worked for the Poop?

Gypsie: Well, for one night anyway. The interview is in the Principia.

REV. DR. OCCUPANT: Malik was the only one he would ever let write for the Poop or get on the letterhead.

Gypsie: Did you [Malik] have higher authority than the others?

Malik: No, [but I was allowed to speak in the Poop] because [Malaclypse the Younger] hated politics. He was infuriated with Johnson and Nixon over Viet Nam because it was turning the renaissance into a political revolution and was stealing his sacred thunder. So he trained me in Zenarchy, which he learned from Omar, and I was the official anarcho-pacifist for the Cabal. Also I was liaison to The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, the Chicago Discordians. Later Omar activated the Hung Mung Cong Tong and ELF, on zenarchist principles, and also Operation Mindfuck. I was also into those. Though at the time I was masquerading in Greater Poop as a cremated cabbage to throw off the FBI.

Gypsie [to Hill]: Since you wrote it, I take it you are an anarchist?