Page:Principles of Political Economy Vol 2.djvu/390

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nack published by the Society, shows the pecuniary result of its operations from the commencement.

Year. No. of
Amount of capital. Amount of cash sales
in store (annual).
Amount of profit
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
1844 0028 00,028 0 0 —— ——
1845 0074 00,181 12 5 000,710 6 5 00,032 17 6
1846 0086 00,252 7 11/2 001,146 17 7 00,080 16 31/2
1847 110 00,286 5 31/2 001,924 13 10 00,072 2 10
1848 140 00,397 0 0 002,276 6 51/2 00,117 16 101/2
1849 390 1,193 19 1 006,611 18 0 00,561 3 9
1850 600 2,299 10 5 13,179 17 0 00,889 12 5
1851 630 2,785 0 11/2 17,638 4 0 00,990 19 81/2
1852 680 3,471 0 6 16,352 5 0 1,206 15 21/2
1853 720 5,848 3 11 22,760 0 0 1,674 18 111/2
1854 900 7,172 15 7 33,364 0 0 1,763 11 21/2
1855 1400 11,032 12 101/2 44,902 12 0 3,106 8 41/2
1856 1600 12,920 13 11/2 63,197 10 0 3,921 13 11/2
1857 1850 15,142 1 2 79,788 0 0 5,470 6 81/2
1858 1950 18,160 5 4 71,789 0 0 6,284 17 41/2
1859 2703 27,060 14 2 104,012 0 0 10,739 18 61/2
1860[1] 3450 37,710 9 0 152,063 0 0 15,906 9 11

I need not enter into similar particulars respecting the Corn-Mill Society, and will merely state that in 1860 its capital is set down, on the same authority, at 26,618l. 14s. 6d.,

  1. The latest report to which I have access is that for the quarter ending September 20, 1864, of which I take the following abstract from the November number of that valuable periodical the "Co-operator," conducted by Mr. Henry Pitman, one of the most active and judicious apostles of the Co-operative cause:—"The number of members is 4580, being an increase of 132 for the three months. The capital or assets of the society is 59,536l. 10s. 1d., or more than last quarter by 3687l. 13s. 7d. The cash received for sale of goods is 45,806l. 0s. 101/2d., being an increase of 2283l. 12s. 51/2d. as compared with the previous three months. The profit realized is 5713l. 2s. 71/2d., which, after depreciating fixed stock account 182l. 2s. 41/2d., paying interest on share capital 598l. 17s. 6d., applying 21/2 per cent to an educational fund, viz. 122l. 17s. 9d., leaves a dividend to members on their purchases of 2s. 4d. in the pound. Non-members have received 261l. 18s. 4d., at 1s. 4d. in the pound on their purchases, leaving 8d. in the pound profit to the society, which increases the reserve fund 104l. 15s. 4d. This fund now stands at 1352l. 7s. 111/2d., the accumulation of profits from the trade of the public with the store since September 1862, over and above the 1s. 8d. in the pound allowed to such purchasers."