Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/23

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(Philadelphia), about the vulgarity and indecency of the language I used in my private physiological lectures to the sexes alone, which I delivered for many years regularly; but, those who opened their mouths so rudely against me, probably were not any too pure or wise themselves, or they would not have been harmed, hurt, nor been canvassing hearsay around grocery and beer shops. I alone knew what was best for me to use in my efforts to instruct the people in God's fixed laws of human nature.

For example—one evening as my lecture room was well filled with an intelligent and refined audience of gentlemen, just before I commenced to speak, six very rough-looking fellows—real cut-throats—entered, and the only empty seats were directly in front of me. I at once made up my mind that these men, of the whole crowd, most needed saving; and, therefore, my whole aim was to get their attention to my remarks, and to do this, I knew I had to tell some awful vulgar stories, being aware that good moral audi-