Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/27

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is the most dastardly of villains; especially, if he has been so lucky or favored, as to possess plenty of this world's goods; because, being rich, could afford to be open and generous; however, I forgot that riches are only attained and retained by un-Christ-like generosity and meanness.

It is time that the Progressive Christianity, as I have given it to the world in "All Sides" and "Sense and Nonsense" should be embraced, as it will guarantee every member against financial, physical, and spiritual want. Yea, it will remove my property and make it ours; my God and make Him ours; my interest and make it ours; my business and make it ours; in fact, it will have but one eye single to God's and man's glory, without selfishness entering this natural life and Eden gladness! Black-mailing will not be fashionable and respectable then as now, and "Hard Times" come no more.