Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/31

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merry around my head and body, until, in spite of their entertaining hilarity, I drop to sleep; this may be esteemed rude, but it is nevertheless my nature to disregard the conduct of many of God's vermin.

The day has arrived when an accomodating Mayor of the great city of Philadelphia will issue a warrant upon the receipt of a few letters from pious professors, and arrest a minister on the Sabbath day in his pulpit, when lie had plenty of time and opportunity on week days to catch Landis. Something peeps up that does not exactly look like fitness of office, nor greatness of purpose; but, then, it gratified the Pharisees, who claim to own earth, liberty, elements, God, and man! Great day.

A friend writes me, "Every week you remain in prison will give you influence when you get out—you know this, and ought to be content to be a martyr." Firstly, How long must an innocent man