Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/42

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one should suppose the man who gave advice in a little book on the "Secrets of Generating" such angelic creatures should not have been convicted and sentenced to prison for a year, and made pay a fine of five hundred dollars, for an "Obscene Libel." The Libel should be thrown on the heads of those who depreciate and deteriorate this race of angels.

A child that is born and bred in true relations to life and is raised in a physically and mentally healthful manner, will never have "wicked and lewd passions" still, will love God, Nature and Man; and will like to gratify the natural desires, as the Creator ordained should be the case. But, a child that is born and bred in false relations to life, and is raised on gross and seasoned food, stimulating and narcotic beverages, foul air, indolent and constrained habits, will have his body and mind full of "wicked and lewd passions" and thoughts! "Unto the pure all things are pure," and vice versâ. Chew on this, ye lewd-thinking vipers.