Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/53

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man, these fruits grew naturally in the Garden of Eden, and they were permitted to freely, not dyspeptically, eat of them. These fruits may be divided into mealy, acid, and oily fruits. The mealy make nerve and flesh; the oily, bone, hair, nail, etc.; and the acid cut or dissolve the food and aid in separating or secreting the various juices of the organism. Each contains a greater proportion of water. Allopathy and Sectarianism wide awake.

I have taught, urged, and almost coerced upon the people sound physiological doctrines for many years, and have received nothing but scorn, contempt, ill-will, and persecution for my innovations, that I am getting disgusted with their ingratitude, but not with God's fixed laws of life; and when I get again upon terra firma, be less zealous than I was in former days. If their systems can stand all sorts of ignorant abuses, I can shut my eyes and grit my teeth at their suicidal barbarity; but, to be compelled to