Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/61

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acts. A precocious man, by name of Gibbons, was the acting Prosecuting Attorney at the time of my mock trial, and the way he spread himself in exaggerating things against me, and insisted upon ruling out lawful evidence, was a caution; my counsel, in his able argument in answer to this bombast and unlawful bluster, said: "The District Attorney was incorrigible. He kept out the truth in Winnemore's case, and our client was convicted and executed. I told Wm. B. Mann, District Attorney at that time, that the sceptre of his power would be taken and placed in other hands. I hope the present District Attorney (Gibbons) will profit by his example."

Truly my counsel's warning or prophecy has been fulfilled. This third day of May, 1870, I read in the papers that Gibbons has been removed from the office; it literally belonging to Furman Sheppard, Esq. Mr. Gibbons did struggle hard to hold the office to which he was not entitled, neither was he fit for it. God works in a mysterious manner,