Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/63

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things beyond, before they are prepared for the very thing that they blow and howl about so much? It puts me in mind of a lot of silly school boys, who would fight about things which they could not understand—for example, one boy saith to the others: "I know a place where apples grow without the apple tree." The others respond: "You fool, there must be a tree, and a healthy one too, before good apples can grow upon it;" finally, they all agree that there must be a tree first, but it matters not where or how it grows; that it is not necessary to give it any attention, all that is requisite is to believe in eating the fruit. But we ask—does not the fruit often become defective, wormy, or the tree grow barren, when the natural soil and elements are withheld from its roots, body and branches? Have ye eyes and ears, and cannot ye behold your own boogaboo?

None so blind as those who choose to be, and none so deaf as those who hear with both ears open or both shut, either letting