Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/68

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In time of prosperity you have hosts of friends; then you do not need them; but in the hour of adversity they "skedaddle" like sheep when a wolf is after them. If the human race could only be made to understand and appreciate that as long as a true Progressive Christianity is overlooked, and there is no union of action in this direction, so long it is an unsafe world to bring and raise children in. Why will ye be living in jeopardy; risking your happiness here and hereafter? Oh! Repent, dear reader, and become an earnest follower of Christ and the Truth!

Do you seek health, or beauty, or happiness? If you do, remember that pure, fresh, outside air day and night, and especially when sleeping, is the foremost agency in God's vocabulary for the retaining and regaining of these graces. Angels inhabit pure air, and Imps foul air. Like begets like, without dislike.